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The MBGFC is affiliated with the Queensland Game Fishing Association (QGFA) and Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) which celebrated its 75th year in 2012. MBGFC follows the QGFA rules and members are eligible to claim State and Australian records, both salt and freshwater species.
The club actively promotes members to go fishing and organises club rally days or fun fish weekends and also tournaments. Members can fish throughout the year and accumulate “club points”, which can win a number of perpetual trophies across a number of categories for senior male, senior female and junior anglers.
MBGFC hosts its annual QGFA sanctioned “Back to Tanga” tournament each March. This tournament is based out of our facilities at Moreton Island and last year attracted over 100 particpants from across clubs in Southern Queensland and also from overseas.
MBGFC fully supports “tag and release” of fish species especially for marlin and sailfish and sharks. Club members can access tags as part of the world renowned NSW Fisheries Tagging Program for use and for each fish tagged accumulates club points.
The Club Fishing Rules and Information Booklet (see Downloads section) provides anglers with an excellent reference source for those starting out in gamefishing through to experienced anglers and skippers with a range of information covered from club specific rules, point scoring and annual prize categories to more general information such as:
The club’s rules allows anglers to accumulate annual club points for all gamefish species that are caught and released regardless of line class used (including braid) or water depth fished allowing for tag & release (T&R), measure & release (M&R) or leader & release (L&R) fishing. The club’s point scoring also provides annual points for fish that are captured using all “mono” line classes in any water depth.
In addition to gamefishing annual prize categories, the club also has annual prizes for a number of bottom fish categories – fishing in these categories is independent of line-class (braid can be used) and prizes are awarded based on fish length (fish can either be kept or released). The club rule book (see Downloads section) outlines how to make submission for entry into these categories using the MBGFC bottom fish entry form.
The club actively promotes members to go fishing and organises club rally days or fun fish weekends and also tournaments. Members can fish throughout the year and accumulate “club points”, which can win a number of perpetual trophies across a number of categories for senior male, senior female and junior anglers.
MBGFC hosts its annual QGFA sanctioned “Back to Tanga” tournament each March. This tournament is based out of our facilities at Moreton Island and last year attracted over 100 particpants from across clubs in Southern Queensland and also from overseas.
MBGFC fully supports “tag and release” of fish species especially for marlin and sailfish and sharks. Club members can access tags as part of the world renowned NSW Fisheries Tagging Program for use and for each fish tagged accumulates club points.
The Club Fishing Rules and Information Booklet (see Downloads section) provides anglers with an excellent reference source for those starting out in gamefishing through to experienced anglers and skippers with a range of information covered from club specific rules, point scoring and annual prize categories to more general information such as:
- Club “local waters” typical fishing areas and FAD locations;
- Tagging
- Tag types & best practice techniques;
- How to complete tag cards & associated QGFA Activity Records (including submission to club weighmaster);
- Eligible gamefish species list;
- Marlin identification guide;
- Fish length vs weight for a number of gamefish species; and
- GFAA angling rules and equipment regulations.
The club’s rules allows anglers to accumulate annual club points for all gamefish species that are caught and released regardless of line class used (including braid) or water depth fished allowing for tag & release (T&R), measure & release (M&R) or leader & release (L&R) fishing. The club’s point scoring also provides annual points for fish that are captured using all “mono” line classes in any water depth.
In addition to gamefishing annual prize categories, the club also has annual prizes for a number of bottom fish categories – fishing in these categories is independent of line-class (braid can be used) and prizes are awarded based on fish length (fish can either be kept or released). The club rule book (see Downloads section) outlines how to make submission for entry into these categories using the MBGFC bottom fish entry form.
Please visit the downloads page for: